Steinberg wavelab elements
Steinberg wavelab elements

steinberg wavelab elements

The new Clean and Enhance sections provide quick and easy ways of cleaning up and improving the quality of audio recordings. WaveLab Elements features a new, easy-to-use collection of real-time audio processes, radically simplifying the enhancement of audio tracks with straightforward “one knob” controls.

steinberg wavelab elements

#Steinberg wavelab elements pro

WaveLab Elements 11 features a complete range of new metering displays derived from the professional WaveLab Pro application, allowing you to keep track of the level, spectrum and phase of your audio at any time.Įffortlessly clean and enhance your audio It also allows you to use plug-ins to process channel clusters independently of one another. In the Audio Montage, you can automatically split multi-channel audio files into mono or stereo clusters for faster file import. With comprehensive controls to make precise editing easier, you can also work only on selected channels with external editors. Supporting up to 5.1 surround layouts of WAV files, you can open, edit and save multi-channel files like any other set of mono/stereo files. WaveLab Elements 11 introduces extended support for multi-channel interleaved files and, for the first time, multi-channel interleaved editing in the Audio Editor.

Steinberg wavelab elements